How Photography Saved My Life


Photofocus (old site)

Editor’s Note: This is a highly personal story.  From time to time we put techniques aside and look at inspiration.

Mental Illness and life struggles can be a taboo to talk about. Recent public figures have started talking more about it, especially since Robin Williams passed away from depression. Yes, he didn’t die from any other disease, but he lost his battle with depression. Mental illness can come from a number of reasons and there are ways to battle and in some cases overcome. I would like to share my success story.

I’ve debated talking about this, but I feel if it helps one person, then it’s worth it.

The Challenges

Life is challenging, but that doesn’t have to mean the challenge has to be negative. Overcoming challenges can bring the greatest joy we’ve never imagined. Our mindsets can affect every aspect of our life.

I found myself deeply…

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